How to Unprivate a Discord Server

How to Unprivate a Discord Server: Step-by-Step Guide

Discord is a popular communication platform that allows users to create and manage servers. One of the essential features of Discord servers is the ability to make them private.

Private servers can only be accessed by invited members, providing a safe and secure space for communication.

However, there may be times when you need to unprivate a Discord server for various reasons, such as expanding the community or making it more accessible to new members.

In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of unprivating a Discord server.

What is a Private Discord Server?

A private Discord server is a server that can only be accessed by invited members. The server owner can set up the server’s privacy settings to prevent unauthorized access to the server.

Private servers are often used by communities, friends, or family members who want to keep their conversations and activities private.

Why Unprivate a Discord Server?

There are several reasons why you might want to unprivate a Discord server. One common reason is to expand the community and make it more accessible to new members.

By unprivating a server, you can allow new members to join without needing an invitation. Additionally, unprivating a server can help increase the server’s visibility and attract new members who may be interested in the community’s activities.

How to Unprivate a Discord Server

If you’ve decided to unprivate a Discord server, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Open Discord and go to your server

Open the Discord desktop or mobile app and go to your server. You must have server permissions to change the server’s privacy settings.

Step 2: Go to Server Settings

Click on the server name at the top left of your screen and select “Server Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Change Privacy Settings

In the “Overview” tab, scroll down to the “Privacy Settings” section. Click on the “Edit” button next to “Private Server” to change the server’s privacy settings.

Step 4: Save Changes

In the “Edit Privacy Settings” window, uncheck the “Private Server” option and click on the “Save Changes” button.

Your Discord server is now unprivated, and anyone can join the server using the server invite link.

Things to Consider Before Unprivating a Discord Server

Before unprivating a Discord server, there are a few things to consider. First, unprivating a server means that anyone can join the server using the server invite link. This may lead to an increase in spam or inappropriate content if you don’t have moderation tools in place. It is essential to have active moderators or use Discord’s built-in moderation tools to prevent unwanted behavior.

Second, unprivating a server can change the server’s dynamics and culture. Members who joined the server because it was private may not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts or opinions in a public space. It’s important to communicate with your community members and ensure that they are comfortable with the decision to unprivate the server.

Benefits of Unprivating a Discord Server

Unprivating a Discord server has several benefits. It allows new members to join the server without needing an invitation, which can help increase the server’s visibility and attract new members.

It can also create a more open and welcoming environment for members to share their thoughts and ideas with a larger audience. Additionally, unprivating a server can help build a sense of community and foster connections among members

How to Manage and Moderate an Unprivated Discord Server

Managing and moderating an unprivated Discord server can be challenging, but with the right approach and tools, you can keep your server safe, friendly, and engaging for your members. Here are some tips on how to manage and moderate an unprivated Discord server:

Set clear rules: Before you open your server to the public, make sure you have clear rules in place. Your rules should cover topics such as language, behavior, spamming, and content that is not allowed. Make sure your rules are easy to understand and visible to all members.

Assign moderation roles: Assign moderation roles to trusted members who can help you enforce the rules and keep the server safe. Make sure they have the necessary permissions to moderate the server and deal with issues that may arise.

Use moderation bots: Consider using moderation bots such as Dyno or MEE6 to help you enforce the rules and manage the server. These bots can help you remove spam, warn members, and even ban members who break the rules.

Monitor activity: Regularly monitor the server’s activity to identify any issues or rule violations. Keep an eye on chat channels, voice channels, and direct messages to ensure that everyone is following the rules.

Respond promptly: If you notice any issues or rule violations, respond promptly. Warn members who break the rules and take appropriate action, such as muting, kicking, or banning members who repeatedly break the rules.

Encourage positive behavior: Encourage positive behavior by recognizing and rewarding members who contribute to the server in a positive way. Consider implementing a system of rewards or badges for members who behave well and contribute positively to the community.

Be transparent: Be transparent about your moderation and management practices. Communicate with your members about any changes or updates to the rules, and be open to feedback and suggestions.


Unprivating a Discord server can be a great way to expand the community, increase visibility, and create a more open and welcoming environment for members.

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily unprivate your server and start reaping the benefits of a more open community.


Can I change a server’s privacy settings back to private after unprivating it?

Yes, you can change a server’s privacy settings back to private at any time by following the same steps outlined in this article.

Will unprivating a server affect the existing members?

Unprivating a server can change the server’s dynamics and culture, and some existing members may not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts or opinions in a public space. It’s essential to communicate with your community members and ensure that they are comfortable with the decision to unprivate the server.

Can I limit who can join the server after unprivating it?

Yes, you can use Discord’s moderation tools to limit who can join the server and prevent unwanted behavior.

What should I do if I encounter spam or inappropriate content after unprivating my server?

If you encounter spam or inappropriate content after unprivating your server, you can use Discord’s moderation tools to remove the offending content and ban the user responsible.

Can I customize the server invite link after unprivating the server?

Yes, you can customize the server invite link to make it easier to share and more memorable for potential members.

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